Back pain and almost modern go hand in hand, especially long-term work at the computer people. In addition to office habits, incorrect posture, most back pain is the cause of sleep at night is not sufficiently long to relax and rest of the action, which in turn are mostly quality bed and have a great relationship. A good bed enough to change the status and quality of life of a person. ? So how can choose to fit your mattress The Music mattress made a few suggestions:
When choosing a mattress from the aspect of mattress permeability, decompression, degree of support, docile nature, bed surface tension, and sleep the sleep temperature and humidity to buy the right type, quality mattress. Since each person's specific circumstances, such as height, weight, fat, thin, and personal habits, preferences, etc., when people buy a mattress should be based on their specific situation, the local climate conditions and personal income to be taken into account select.
A good mattress should be at least three guarantees: First, there must be a sufficient thickness of soft material, such as sponges and Spewing, so as to ensure the comfort and relaxation of the muscles of normal blood circulation; Second, moderate hardness, load bearing capacity is sufficient to ensure that the human skeleton has been fully supporting naturally, Japanese mousse adjustable ranked skeleton; and finally, to have good ventilation, so that part of the mattress and the body temperature is too high for a long time not to contact, in order to ensure continuous sleep.
Look at when selecting a mattress. Mattress appearance that we must first choose the color to suit their needs, especially should pay attention to whether the edge is straight, neat whether the abutment surface is smooth, whether in the middle of a trademark, trademark and fabric contact is neat.
That is, some parts of the hand or body to feel, good fabric makes you feel good, in other words, some of the same clothes when selected, the easiest thing is to feel good, it is best to try to sleep it, you can feel whether filler flat. Lying in bed, with hand into the waist down, the feeling extends into difficulties, the mattress may be too soft; on the contrary, the gap between the mattress and the waist is large, it may be perfect mattress. You can also sit on the foot of the bed, and then stood up to see the mattress soon return to its original shape.
Determination of the merits of the mattress first look at whether it can make people very relaxing rest: suddenly lay down on the bed, and then shaking the body, sit two minutes, consciously slow down the rotation of the body movement, he turned to lie down. When lying down, to hand down the neck, waist and hip to thigh between these three distinct areas inside curved extension, see if there are gaps; again a roll around and use the same method to try body curve between the protrusions and the mattress is no gap; if not, to prove this mattress and sleep in the neck, back, waist, hip, leg aptly fit the natural curve, so that the mattress can be said to be soft and hard moderate.
Because the mattress to today, has not just rely on the surface to attract everyone's attention, and it is really related to our quality of life, more care to ask whether it is contained ridge, whether a reasonable mattress bed nets internal structure , how soft and hard to control, as well as manufacturers, bed nets supply manufacturers, etc., a good mattress, not only looks good, the key is reasonable internal structure, soft and hard area clear.
Smell the mattress smell, especially some mattress with high chemical composition of the filler, and the quality is not good, and even some manufacturers with a rusty bed nets above spray some rust oil, so once production costs mattress will smell the odor, most of such poor quality mattress, please do not buy.
Shoes and mattresses is a human life most worth investing in two things, as they relate to our health and mood. So the mattress must be carefully chosen, suitable own, is the best!